Sunday, 5 April 2009

What are phthalates?

The problem..
Phthalates are chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system. This means they can cause cancer, sterility and developmental problems. The most worrisome aspect by far is the phthalates' effect on the reproductive development of fetuses and infants.
Why are they used?
When manufactures produce plastics they add chemicals to increase flexibility so that they can create medical tubing, toys, and construction products. Phthalates are one group of these chemicals, called plasticizers, that also are used in beauty products to increase texture and add lustre. Phthalates have been used for so many years in manufacturing that they are found in virtually all corners of the globe and recent testing shows that they are present in humans.
The Outrage
The FDA does not regulate phthalates in beauty products so manufacturers are not required to list them as ingredients. They are often lurking under the generic term of "fragrance" . If you use multiple personal care products your exposures add up. Teenage girls have the highest use of phthalate laden beauty products as they use, on average, 17 products a day.

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